Payments and  Advance Payments

Reconfirmation and advance payment 
In order to reconfirm your reservation Hotel Cuello de Luna S.A. requires an advance payment.
With the confirmation mail of your reservation, we let you know the specific amount of advance payment required,
the amount depends on booked services and season.
Local payments can be made with bank deposit in Ecuador, Deuna! and mayor credit cards processed by Tab..
We also offer payment options with Paypal, WISE, ACH payment in US$ to US account, wire transfer in CHF
to CHF account.

ATM for cash withdraw is available in Lasso, 5 miles south on the Pan American Highway
and at the gas station, a 15 minutes hike or 5 minutes drive from here.

For bank payments in Ecuador

Banco Pichincha
Beneficiario: Cuello de Luna S.A.
Cuenta corriente Nº 3044586704
RUC 1791414233001
Teléfono 0999 700 330

Banco del Pacifico
Beneficiario: Cuello de Luna
Cuenta Corriente: 38023973
Walter Janisch, CI 0602151631
Teléfono: 0999 727 535

For online payments and pre-payments with Deuna! please scan the bar code.
(Deuna! accepts payments up to 299.99USD)

Para pagos con Deuna! por favor escanea el código, o ingrese los datos de la cuenta:
Cuenta de ahorro #2202353469, Walter F. J. Janisch.
Deuna! procesa pagos hasta USD 299.99.

Hosteria Cuello de Luna Cotopaxi pagos con deuna
Hotel Cuello de Luna

Panamericana km 319,7 
100m south of the Bridge to Cotopaxi National Park
El Chasqui - Pastocalle
Cantón Latacunga
Cotopaxi, Ecuador



Phone (voice calls only):
0999 700 330
033 053 898 
+593 999727535 (english)


-0.694693    -78.595106
0°41’40.9”S    78°35”42.4"
UTM 17M 767694  19923140
Altitude: 3125 m  /  10,252 ft

Mountain Climbing in Ecuador