
We serve tasty and delicious freshly and on order cooked healthy farmhouse food with locally grown vegetables and regional products and a delicious breakfast with best Ecuadorian organic arabica coffee, herbal tea, milk, whole wheat and white bread, original "Bircher-Müesli", yogurt, fresh fruit of the season, eggs, butter and jam. With prior notice, we consider special diets such as vegan, vegetarian, gluten-free,  low carb, Keto as well as allergies a challenge rather than an obstacle.

Hotel Cuello de Luna

Panamericana km 319,7 
100m south of the Bridge to Cotopaxi National Park
El Chasqui - Pastocalle
Cantón Latacunga
Cotopaxi, Ecuador



Phone (voice calls only):
0999 700 330
033 053 898 
+593 999727535 (english)


-0.694693    -78.595106
0°41’40.9”S    78°35”42.4"
UTM 17M 767694  19923140
Altitude: 3125 m  /  10,252 ft

Mountain Climbing in Ecuador